Quote Preperation

Purchasing a new heating and cooling system in Belton is a decision that will impact your comfort and the comfort of those you love We believe every customer should be able to make an informed decision to find the best company for heating and air conditioning services in Belton. To ensure this is possible, below we have shared a glossary of heating and cooling terms, tips for selecting a HVAC company in Belton, tips for selecting a brand of equipment, and tips for comparing the bids you receive to make sure you are comparing “apples to apples.”

We hope this list will clarify some potentially confusing terms and lead you to a decision that delivers the comfort and reliability that you want from your heating and cooling system in Belton. If you have more specific questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 816-322-1013

When the representative from the contractor comes to give you a free estimate, is he or she knowledgeable?

Do they have field experience? Do they take the time to get to know your individual needs (e.g. – you may need a programmable thermostat because you travel or no one is home during the day; your son may have allergies which would indicate a need for a particular air cleaner, etc.)? Do they ask you questions that can help them suggest the best system for you and your application? Does the contractor give you a written bid that includes the mandatory waiver of lien language for your protection?

Does the bid include warranty information?

If you purchase an extended warranty (a ten-year parts and labor warranty for example) make sure that the warranty is with the manufacturer. An in-house warranty with a dealer is no good if the dealer goes out of business. When comparing written bids, make sure you are comparing the same things – exact same equipment and features (a low-end piece of equipment is usually cheaper but is often not as reliable for the long haul; an 80% furnace is not a 90% variable speed furnace, make sure you are not comparing a 14 SEER unit to a 16 SEER unit; make sure the coil is a system match).

Does your bid include removal and disposal of old equipment?

Do you have the sense this contractor will be there if any problems arise down the road? This is your comfort at stake, in some cases even your health – you have the right to ask questions and get answers that you understand. Any dealer who is condescending or dismissive is usually someone who does not have enough knowledge to answer your questions fully. Get a written contract for your protection (most companies use the original bid with any modifications to which you both agree and then have it signed by both parties). Some dealers will pressure you to agree to what they have presented on the spot. High pressure is not our style, so rest assured we respect your right to consider your options for more than the time we are there. Set aside at least an hour for your bid.

In addition to the contractor, research the equipment.

Use Consumer Reports and the equipment brand website to familiarize yourself with reliability and features.

Only 11% of people choose a contractor solely on price.

Unfortunately, it is often the case that you “get what you pay for,” and the cheapest contractor delivers the least desirable product. Consider what your comfort is worth and the life span of the investment you are making. An upper-end furnace has a life span of 20 – 25 years, an upper end AC has a life span of about 15 years (air conditioners sit outside in the elements, which shortens their life span), and upper-end heat pumps have about a 13-year life span (remember your heat pump works both heating and cooling system so it works twice as hard as a conventional AC/furnace system while producing considerable energy cost savings). If you factor what you will pay for the system over the life span and factor in the savings a high efficiency system that is professionally installed can provide, the investment is very affordable. In our region, families use their heating and cooling systems an average of 10 months out of the year. This is the part of your home that creates comfort – you and your family are worth the most comfort for your budget.